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We are here to worship God together, encourage personal faith and prayer, spread the Good News about Jesus Christ and love and care for others in the community.
Details of our services can be found here, we look forward to you joining us in our worship either in person or via our Online service which is on You Tube the link to which can be found on the order of service page.
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Sunday Services
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Notice Board
"Friendly Corner" will run two days a week in the Beith Hall. Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 11am to 1pm. It offers a space for company, chat, coffee, tea etc.
If you would like to help and volunteer to staff Friendly Corner, contact the minister james.aitken2@btinternet.com or 0131 334 1324.
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Morning worship takes place every Sunday at 10:30am throughout the year
Special services are also held through the year. On Easter Sunday morning an informal service is held on Corstorphine Hill. Other special services include Rememberance Sunday, 9 lessons and carols led by the Choir at Christmas as well as Family services held throughout the year. Please see our calender for details.
Communion Services
There are four main celebrations of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper held on the first Sundays of March, June, September and December at 10:30am and 3pm
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Hall Booking Church Halls available for hire We have a number of halls available for hire, There are 2 large halls, one with a kitchen attached. These are especially suitable for children’s birthday parties, for which we have a maximum age limit of 12 years. Smaller rooms are also available, and these are suited to Yoga, Pilates and small group meetings. Baby changing facilities are also available and there is disabled access. Access to our halls is via St Ninian’s Road behind the church and our car park is also accessed from St Ninian's Road. Please call or email the Church office to discuss a booking. Full terms and conditions of letting can be accessed using this link Letting terms September 2020 |
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Sunday School
Junior Sunday School up to and including P7 meets weekly
Senior Sunday School (S1 and above) meets fortnightly
Children should sit with their parents / Guardians during the fiirst part of the service and then leave with their groups after the second hymn
A Creche is availiable for children below Sunday School age
Please refer to the order of service for details or ask one of the stewards on the day
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