Christian Aid



Christian Aid has more than 70 years’ experience of working in partnership to support communities to thrive. We tackle the root causes of poverty so that women, men and children the world over are strengthened against future knocks. And if disasters happen, we get people the help they want straight away

Coronavirus does not discriminate, and the world's poorest communities, who already lack access to healthcare, will be the most vulnerable. CA set up a Coronavirus Emergency Appeal and owing to the urgency of the situation, St Ninian’s donated £900 on your behalf, to support that Appeal. A retiring collection will be held when we return to worshipping in the Church so that that money can become your donation.

We, in St Ninian’s Church, fundraise in the Church and Parish enabling CA to help communities in the developing world. Last year, we raised a total of £7,744. Many thanks to everyone who helped raise such a wonderful total.

This year Christian Aid Week runs from 10 to 16 May. However, Coronavirus across the world has intervened and, due to the current lock-down and distancing procedures, we are unable to undertake our normal fundraising activities (house-to-house collection, soup & sweet lunch and Forth Bridge sponsored walk), which usually account for two thirds of the year total.

So, Christian Aid Week is moving online! CA are building a vibrant, virtual Christian Aid Week so you can take part with our online community- more details such as online quizzes and Just Giving page follow later.

 Contact: Alec Millar

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