Ceroc Scotland

Ever wanted to stand out on the dance floor? Get a standing ovation with your partner at a wedding? Wow the crowds at a nightclub?

Learning to dance with Ceroc is the fastest growing dance phenomenon in the country. We teach simple partner dancing skills that look and feel impressive on any dance floor. Our biggest success - making learning to dance fun and easy.

  • Lessons every night of the week - Beginners always welcome
  • No need to bring a partner
  • Excellent for fitness and exercise
  • Social, friendly and a boost for your mental well-being
  • Busy diary? No need to book in advance or commit. Just turn up and pay as you go. 

Our dance moves incorporate a wide variety of dance forms such as Jive, Ballroom, Latin, Tango, Salsa, West-Coast Swing, Blues, Bachata, Zouk.....the list goes on. Every week you will learn different moves and routines, always growing your repertoire and building your dance skills.

Our varied classes are catered towards a range of different ability levels, from nervous first timer to dance floor master. Whether you turn up alone, with a partner or in a group, you will get the opportunity to dance with hundreds of other friendly learners at our class nights.

19:15 Doors open
19:30 Beginner Lesson starts
20:15 Beginner Freestyle
20:30 Intermediate Lesson starts
21:00 Freestyle for all - we have 2 rooms, a main room and a chilled/silc room.
22:30 Close

Class entry £10
Concessions £8
Late entry (after 9pm) £7
Books of 10 (Saver Cards) £90
6 for 3 (New Members Only) £30


Email: sheena@cerocscotland.com

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