
PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR SERVICES WILL CONTINUE ON-LINE  AND IN THE SANCTUARY to access the service online please click here 


Morning Worship takes place every Sunday at 10.30am throughout the year.

Special services are also held throughout the year. On Easter Sunday morning an informal  additional  outdoor service is held on Corstorphine Hill.  Other special services include Remembrance Sunday: Morning Service at 10.45am; 9 Lessons and Carols led by the Choir, the Sunday before Christmas,  6.30pm;  Christmas Eve at 8pm; and on Christmas Day a Family Service at 10.30am.

Communion Services:

There are four main celebrations of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper which are held on the first Sundays of March, June, September and December at 10.30am and 3pm. (Afternoon Communion Services will resume on Sunday 5th March 2023 at 3pm.)

A number of other Communion Services are held on special occasions, including Maundy Thursday and Easter Day. 

Full details can be seen in our Calendar



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